Even if you were unable to get to church last week, we hope that the jungle drums have brought you up to date with our “Slice of Life” project and our hope to engage positively with the young people of Burley. Everyone can be part of delivering the vision, so…..
“Which slice of life could you be?”
18+ serving Pizza - willing to achieve Level 2 Hygiene cert (1 on rota)
Conversation starter in eating area (2 on rota)
Youth serving Pizza - willing to achieve Level 1 Hygiene cert (1 on rota)
Steward observer in eating area (1on rota)
Prayer warriors in church & enabling access to toilets (2 on rota)
Food supplies buyer/stock control (1 once a week when suits you)
Catering supervisor - willing to achieve Level 3 Hygiene cert. (1 person checking in on van, fridges and service times as suits you)
How could you help with the set up stage between now and Easter?
Shed clearance working party
Ground re-levelling working party
Financial supporter/ fund raiser/ grant applications preparation
Fence/ trellis working party
Power supply working party
Prayer warrior for set up stage
Menu design and production team
Health & Safety/Safe from Harm risk assessments and rules
Equipment sourcing (pizza ovens, gas bottles, fridge, freezer, serving containers, stacking stools, food boxes, utensils)
Perhaps you know someone in another church or community group who might be interested in being part of the team? If you can see yourself being part of any of the above please speak to one of the steering group: Fi Thompson, Adrian Millard, Viv Pitts, Jim Thorpe.
