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Can I be like the olive tree?


There was much appreciation last week of the hymn written by Rev Roger Smith, so with his permission, the words are reproduced here:

1. Can I be like an olive tree set in the house of faith?

Where in this world injustice reigns we counter with the truth.

2. Can I be like an olive branch which speaks a word of peace?

Where there is violence and war we pray that hurt may cease.

3. Can I be like an olive grove a place of fear and pain?

Where prayer holds out against the wrong Gethsemane is gain.

4. Can I be like a jar of oil cascading to anoint?

Dare we believe in flourishing dispelling need and want?

5. Can I be like an olive tree uprooted or cut down?

There is good news when green shoots grow and hope cannot be drowned.

6. Can I be like an olive cross secure within my hand?

Believing that the olive speaks God’s justice in the land.

7. Can we be like the olive tree God’s people standing tall?

Only a justice-seeking church can be a place for all.

Words: Roger Smith (May 2024)

Tune: MORNING SONG (StF 704)

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