Love Burley was formed in December 2016 and originally worked to provide 4 social events per year to older or more isolated people in the village. During the Covid Pandemic, its focus changed to support those unable to get out for shopping or collecting prescriptions. During this time Love Burley became a registered charity with four trustees. In the time since it has also become the organisation which holds the funds for the village wellbeing hub and listening ear project which meets weekly at the Scout Hut.

In the last two years the circumstances of the trustees have changed significantly and all of them will be standing down by the end of December. At our recent Churches Together and Community Leaders Meetings the value of what this group have brought to the life of the village was recognised and a desire expressed to find a way to keep it going, indeed, to grow its work. We recognise that people’s wellbeing can be impacted by a range of issues and we would like to ensure a continuing community volunteering response to wellbeing provision in the village that includes addressing issues of isolation, poverty and mental health.
Whilst the group was set up by members from the four churches, we recognise that having a concern for such issues goes well beyond the membership of the churches. We are therefore seeking expressions of interest from people with passion and expertise to lead this organisation into a new future from both church congregations and the wider village population.
As a minimum, the new trustees group will need: a Chair, a Treasurer and a Secretary but it would be great to also welcome people with expertise in fundraising and grant applications, communications and social media, safeguarding, and communicating with other organisations such as local government and a variety of NHS provision including our local GP Practice.

If you are interested in exploring how you can help with this vital piece of work in the life of our village, please contact me directly at: or 01943 864187.
Rev Tim Perkins (Convenor – Burley in Wharfedale Community Leaders Gathering)